Master Droit, économie et gestion mention entrepreneuriat et management de projet Parcours Project Management and Business Engineering

Code Alternance: MR12002A-CID

  • 120 crédits

Niveau(x) d'entrée

  • Niveau 6 (Bac+3 et 4)

Niveau(x) de sortie

  • Niveau 7 (Bac+5)

En apprentissage


En professionnalisation






Arrêté du 08 juillet 2021. Accréditation jusque fin 2024-2025.

Public, conditions d’accès et prérequis

This Master’s degree in Project Management and Business Engineering is a national degree in line with the standardized European System of higher education. This degree is part of our international Master programs named "Master in Management" (MIM).  The Master in Management (MIM) is designed around the framework of:
- an Orientation week with intercultural integration and team building activities.
Master 1 (Year 1) with core curriculum of Management. The Master 1 helps students to understand the rules and practices of an organization as well as the different modalities of its management. The learning outcomes of the first year are then applied in a team-based experience that enables students to learn by action in the real work world.
Master 2 (Year 2) with Specialization modules to help students to : 
  • • Acquire an ability to manage projects according to a wide range of methods, in particular, methods focused on the added value creation;
    • Develop a capacity to analyze a company environment and internal processes enabling an optimizing added creation value process;
    • Acquire the know-how to lead a project team efficiently an international and multicultural environment;
    • Develop an ability to be innovative and creative while analyzing and finding relevant solutions, particularly to overcome risks inherent to projects;
    • Work on simulations, real projects and cases in class to inspire the scope and the stakes of projects in different industries;
    • Learn from international teams and multicultural managers to practice soft-skills and handle complex situations;   
A professional experience (Internship/Job)  from 3 to 6 months. The professional experience will complete the Master curriculum and offer an "action learning" opportunity.  
The Master Diploma is delivered under the control of the French Ministry of Higher Education.
Admission access:
Students can apply from Master 1 (for the 2-year program) or directly to Master 2 (for the final-year program). The Master is open to all students with a Bachelor degree, preferably in management or economics or engineering sciences unless the students have a professional experience of at least 3 months in a company. This creates an ambiance of cultural diversity and knowledge sharing during the course: engineers, social scientists, linguists and management students mix together to share their experiences. Whatever your initial background is (degree and professional experience), we truly believe in candidates’ potential and make it our mission to support and guide you to achieve your master’s degree and professional project.
The Master Program receives applications all-year- round. Download the Application Form at:
Application Requirements:
• Bachelor’s Degree & Transcript
• Proficiency in English (Toefl IBT: 85 | IELTS: 6.0 | Bulats B2/C1 - 4 skills required)
• Students with Master 1 level are entitled to apply directly to Master 2 depending on the field & duration of Bachelor’s degree and professional experience
Admission process:
  • Complete application form in English
  • 2 recommendation letters (from professional or academic endorsers)
  • Interviews with the Admission board
Download our Application Form at:
For more information and application file, check our page in English on


Project Management and Value Creation:
The stakes of this Master degree is for students to acquire a strong grasp of Project Management in order to become major actors in their company and create high added value products or systems. Students will acquire the ability to understand the market, the company environment and the internal processes generally existing within a company as well as making the best of an international team. Graduates will become key contributors participating in the creation of company’s future through their abilities to create new wealth and values.
This Master is designed for:
• Potential key actors in the creation of added value processes, products, businesses;
• Potential professionals willing to develop an entrepreneurial spirit.
• Potential project coordinator wishing to coordinate a wide range of professional expertise;
• Potential project managers who believe mastering Human Resources skills is crucial for success.
This Master aims at:
• Developing the capacity to master Project Management tools;
• Being able to apply tools and skills in order to produce relevant proposals through an appropriate analysis of a situation;
• Enabling the integrative Project Management skills;
• Being able to integrate Project Management processes and become significant actors to added value creation process within a company;
• Developing Entrepreneurship skills. Project Management combined with Business Engineering are two essential ingredients to develop entrepreneurship;
• Enriching the creation of strong added values at considerable time and cost dimensions of projects.

Mentions officielles

Intitulé officiel figurant sur le diplôme : Master Droit, économie et gestion mention entrepreneuriat et management de projet Parcours Project Management and Business Engineering

Inscrit RNCP : Inscrit

Code(s) NSF : Spécialités plurivalentes des échanges et de la gestion (310)

Code(s) ROME : -


Core skills:
• Innovative methods to create some optimum added values;
• Project management methods;
• Business engineering (Added value creation process);
• Human resources management;
• Multicultural project team management.
Career opportunities: 
This Master intends to help students start a rewarding career with a large choice of positions and careers:
• Project Management Officer (PMO)
• Project Manager
• Business Plan Entrepreneur
• Project Risk Analyst
• Business Process Analyst
• Junior Program Coordinator
• Innovation and Technology Manager
• Project Portfolio Analyst
• Project Assistant and/or Consultant
Furthermore, thanks to the complete curriculum design of the Master in Management (MIM) concept, the Master in Project Management and Business Engineering also enables students to:
  • Master the principles and tools for managers of business units with up-to-date management topics in the real business environment with Core curriculum in Master 1 
  • Represent the management of focused business activities as an action (Project Management skills, Business Management skills, Multicultural management and Soft skills) and build a concrete view of the working environment, especially in the specific European business framework with Professional skills development (career management, professional experience) in Master 2
  • Achieve intercultural and additional competences relying on students’ original degree in sciences or engineering or students’ intercultural experience and engagement.
8 reasons why this Master is the right choice for you:
• Acquire an ability to manage projects according to a wide range of methods, in particular, methods focused on the added value creation;
• Develop a capacity to analyze a company environment and internal processes enabling an optimizing added creation value process;
• Acquire the know-how to lead a project team efficiently an international and multicultural environment;
• Develop an ability to be innovative and creative while analyzing and finding relevant solutions, particularly to overcome risks inherent to projects;
• Work on simulations, real projects and cases in class to inspire the scope and the stakes of projects in different industries;
• Learn from international teams and multicultural managers to practice soft-skills and handle complex situations;
• Study totally in English, the international language for business, and acquire French language as a plus to understand and work with francophone businesses and
• Study in the center of Paris, the heart of European businesses and headquarters of almost all multinational firms.


EPN 15 Stratégies - IIM
2 rue conté
75003 Paris
Tel :01 40 27 26 36
Emmanuelle Rochefort

Centre(s) d'enseignement proposant cette formation